Instagram’s Sudden API Changes

Instagram's Sudden API Changes

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UPDATE: As of April 6, Juicer has enabled the ability to add multiple owned Instagram username sources to a single Juicer feed. Please see details at the bottom of this post.

On April 4, Instagram (IG) surprise announced they were making a set of restrictions to their API, effective immediately. These changes will impact your usage of Juicer, as they impact all social media aggregator platforms and any third-party service that uses Instagram’s API.

Moving forward with social aggregators:

  • It is no longer possible to add unowned IG accounts as sources to a feed. In other words, if you would like to display posts in Juicer from a specific IG account, you must have the login details for that account, and connect the account to your Juicer Feed.
  • If you have already added an unowned IG account as a source to your feed, this source will no longer pull in new posts, although old posts should remain unaffected. If you have login access to this IG account, you should connect it to your Juicer Feed (on your “Connected Social Accounts” page). Once you do that, it should start displaying new posts again.
  • You can continue to aggregate IG hashtag posts from all public IG users (not just your own account). However, the profile images and full names will no longer appear. @usernames will still be visible
  • It is no longer possible to manually add posts from IG accounts. IG has disabled this part of their API.
  • Juicer’s User Rights Management tool will no longer work with IG posts, as the platform has disabled the posting of comments by third-party apps

Please also note that for Juicer Enterprise account owners, all unowned IG user sources will be charged as “archive” mode sources from now on ($1 per month per source).

Regardless of whether or not you are directly impacted by these changes, please go to the “Connected Social Accounts” page for your feed(s) and refresh your IG connection. You can do this at

Obviously, this is a sudden change. Unfortunately, these restrictions were issued without warning, and have impacted many apps across the web who work with Instagram’s API. The changes were made due to recent pressure on Facebook (Instagram’s parent company) to tighten security – you have likely seen news stories on this topic in recent weeks.

We will update this post as new information becomes available. Please contact us with any questions. You can read the full announcement from Facebook about these changes on their website here.

April 6 Update: To add more Instagram connections on the “Connected Social Accounts” page for your feed, simply click the chain icon next to the Instagram connection, and you can enter the login details for more Instagram accounts. This will allow you to add those same accounts to your “Social Media Sources” area of the feed dashboard and display the posts. Make sure you are logged out of Instagram entirely before trying to add more connections, or Juicer will default to the account you’re logged into.

Also Check:

Social Media Feed API

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