EU Privacy Policy

To view the privacy policy for non-European residents, please click here.

1. General

We, the Inc., take the protection of your personal data and the legal obligations that serve to ensure this protection very seriously. The legal provisions require comprehensive transparency in all issues regarding the processing of personal data. Only when the processing is traceable for you as the person concerned (data subject), you can be deemed to be sufficiently informed about the intention, purpose and scope of the processing. That is why our Privacy Policy explains to you in detail which so-called personal data we process when you use the website or any other webpages that refer to it (see definitions below 2.).

“Controller” in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union as well as other data protection regulations is the Inc.
304 S. Jones Blvd #1205,
Las Vegas NV 89107, USA
Tel.: (323) 238-9740
Email address: [email protected]

referred to hereinafter as “controller”or “we”.

The responsible data protection officer is:

Petr Chalupa
E-Mail: [email protected]

Please be aware that you may be redirected to other web pages via links on our website which other pages are not operated by us but by third parties. We either clearly mark such links or you can recognise them by the change of the URL in your browser. We are not responsible for compliance with the applicable data protection regulations and secure handling of your personal data by third parties operating such other webpages.

2. Definitions

2.1. According to the GDPR

This Privacy Policy uses the terms used in the wording of the GPPR. The definitions (Art. 4 GDPR) are available for instance at

2.2. Cookies

Cookies are small units of information which a website places on your terminal or which are read there. This serves the purpose of being able to use this information again at a later point in time. They contain letter- and number combinations to, for instance when a connection is again established with the website that places the cookies, facilitate the recognition of the user and his settings, to enable you to stay logged into a customer account or to conduct statistical analyses of a certain user behaviour.

3. General information about data processing

We only process personal data to the extent permitted by law. Disclosure or transfer to third parties takes place only in the cases described below (see sec. 4 below).

The personal data is deleted or protected by technical and organisational measures (e.g. pseudonymisation, encryption) as soon as the data processing purpose ceases to exist. This is also the case as soon as a prescribed storage period expires unless continued storage of the personal data is necessary for the purpose of conclusion or performance of a contract.

Unless we are obliged by law to ensure extended storage or disclose or transfer personal data to third parties (including but not limited to criminal prosecution authorities), the decision which personal data is collected by us, how long it is stored and to which extent you may be required to disclose your data depends on which functions and features of the website you use in particular cases.

4. Data processing in connection with the use of the website

The use of the website and its functions and features regularly requires the processing of certain personal data

4.1. Use of the website for information purposes

When you access our website and use it for mere information purposes, e.g. without using additional functions or features such as contact forms, we automatically collect personal data. We thereby collect the following information: IP address of your terminal as well as date and time of your access to the website. This information is transferred by your browser unless you have configured it in such a way that the information transfer is prevented.

The personal data is processed for purposes of functionality and optimisation of the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. This is at the same time our legitimate interest which renders the processing permissible according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR.

The personal data is stored for a period of 4 weeks. We do not combine the personal data with other data sources. The data is only disclosed or transferred to third parties if and to the extent this is necessary for operating our website. For such purpose, the personal data is transferred to our Hosting-Provider “Heroku”. Heroku is a web hosting service provided by Inc. (The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA). Inc. is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement (EU) 2016/1250 of the EU Commission (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield), providing a guarantee of compliance with European privacy standards. In addition, we have signed a contract with Salesforce Inc. for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Heroku. It is not intended to transfer personal data to a third country or an international organisation.

The privacy policy of Salesforce can be found here:

4.2. Google Tag Manager

When you visit our website, Google Tag Manager is loaded as a service of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google”) for the administration of website tags. The Google Tag Manager-Tool is a cookie-free domain and does not collect any personally identifiable information. Google Tag Manager triggers other tags that may themselves collect data. Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If deactivation has been made at the domain or cookie level, it will persist for all tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager is used for the purpose of managing website tags through an interface. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR.

Further information on Google Tag Manager can be found at Google’s privacy policy can be found at

4.3. Google Analytics

When you access our website, the web analysis service “Google Analytics” is loaded to enable statistical analysis of how the website is used. This service is provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies that enable an analysis of the use of this website. By using the website, cookies generate information that is transferred to Google in the USA and stored there. We use the supplementary feature “anonymizeIp()” to make sure that Google Analytics can only transfer a shortened form of your IP address to Google in the USA. You can prohibit the use of cookies, which are stored on your terminal device and enable an analysis of your use of the website.

We use Google Analytics for the purposes of economic optimisation and to tailor our website to suit the customers’ demands. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. In addition, we have signed a contract with Google for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Google Analytics.

We collect your IP address to enable the shortening and subsequent data transfer to Google in the USA. You are not obliged to provide this personal data; however, if you do not provide this data, you will not be able to use our website. You can prevent the provision of this personal data by installing the Add-on under Alternatively, you can click this link whereby a cookie is set which prevents data transfer to Google,

Further information about Google Analytics is available at The Google Privacy Policy is available at


This section is intentionally empty. We no longer use the service for which it was written. We’re keeping it only so the following section numbers don’t change and older references to them remain correct.

4.5. Amazon Cloudfront

We use the Content Delivery Network (CDN) “Cloudfront”, a service of Amazon Web Services Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, USA (“Amazon”). The Cloudfront-CDN provides duplicates of data from a website on various globally distributed Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers. This results in faster website load times, higher reliability and increased protection against data loss.

The images and videos embedded on this website are obtained from the Cloudfront CDN when the page is opened. This retrieval transfers information about your use of our website (such as your IP address) to Amazon servers in other EU countries and stores it there. This happens as soon as you enter our website.

Amazon Web Services and the Amazon CDN Cloudfront are used in the interests of greater reliability of the website, increased protection against data loss and better loading speed of this website. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. In addition, we have signed a contract with Amazon Web Services for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Cloudfront. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

You can find out more about Amazon Web Services’ data protection measures at:

The current privacy statement of Amazon Web Services can be found at:

4.6. Cloudflare

On our website we use the services of Cloudflare Inc., 101 Townsend St, 94107 San Francisco, USA (“Cloudflare”). Cloudflare offers a world-wide network for the supply of distributed contents. Technically, the transmission of information between your browser and our website is done through the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is able to monitor traffic between users and our websites, for example to detect and block attacks on our services. Cloudflare may also store cookies on your computer to optimize and analyse them.

We use Cloudflare to ensure the proper functioning of the website. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. In addition, we have signed a contract with Cloudflare for data processing on behalf and we fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Cloudflare. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

You can prevent the collection and processing of your data by Cloudflare by deactivating the execution of script code in your browser or by installing a script blocker in your browser (this can be found, for example, at or The data will be deleted as soon as the purpose of the collection has been fulfilled.

Further information and the Cloudflare data protection declaration can be found at:

4.7. Zendesk

In order to be able to process user requests faster and more efficiently, we use an external CRM system from Zendesk Inc., 1019 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States (“Zendesk”) to process service requests via our websites. Zendesk uses the data of the users only for the technical processing of the inquiries and does not pass them on to third parties. In order to use Zendesk, it is necessary to provide at least a correct e-mail address. A pseudonymous use is possible. In the course of processing service requests, it may be necessary to collect further data (name, address). The use of Zendesk is optional and serves to improve and accelerate our customer and user service. All data that we transmit via Zendesk are stored in the USA.

We use Zendesk for the purpose of fast processing of customer inquiries. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. In addition, we have signed a contract with Zendesk for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Zendesk. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

Further information and Zendesk’s privacy policy can be found at:

4.8. Bugsnag

We use Bugsnag, a service provided by Bugsnag, Inc. (939 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA; “Bugsnag”). Bugsnag is used by us to manage our business contacts and optimize our services and offerings for our customers and prospects.

Bugsnag uses cookies, which are placed on your device. The information generated by the cookies is transferred to a Bugsnag server in the USA and stored there. On our behalf, Bugsnag will use this information to evaluate your use of the website and to optimize our services and offers for you.

We use Bugsnag to analyse the use of the website and to adapt and optimise our services. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. In addition, we have signed a contract with Bugsnag for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Bugsnag. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

Bugsnag’s privacy policy can be found here:


This section is intentionally empty. We no longer use the service for which it was written. We’re keeping it only so the following section numbers don’t change and older references to them remain correct.

4.10. Contact form / Email contact

When you use the contact form available on our website or write us an email, we will process the personal data you have provided thereby. This information is transmitted by your browser or email client and stored in our information technology systems. The processing of this personal data is necessary to answer your request. In addition, your IP address as well as the data and time of your request will be stored if you write us an email.

Data processing serves to answer your request and prevent misuse of the contact form and ensure the security of our information technology systems. These are legitimate interests according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR.

The personal data is stored as long as this is required for answering your request. If your request should bring about subsequent contract conclusion, the data is stored as long as this is required for taking steps prior to entering into a contract or for the performance of the contract. Thereafter, the personal data is deleted routinely every 6 months. The IP address from the contact form is stored for the duration of 4 weeks. We do not combine this personal data with other data sources. The data is not disclosed or transferred to third parties. It is not intended to transfer the data to a third country or an international organisation. You are not obliged to provide this personal data; however, if you do not provide this data, you cannot use the contact form or send an email.

4.11. Opening and use of a customer account

You can open a customer account on our website. You can create a new account or log in with one of your social media accounts. In the first case, your browser transmits the personal data you entered there to us and we store it in our IT systems. In addition, we store your IP address and the time of registration. When you log into your customer account, our website places cookies on your terminal so that you can remain logged in, even if you have to reload the website in the meantime.

If you log in with one of your social media accounts, you will be redirected to the respective page of the social media channel. There you may have to allow us access to your data using an “OAuth token”. OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open protocol that allows a standardized, secure API authorization for desktop, web and mobile applications. An end user (user or resource owner) can use this protocol to allow an application (client or third party) to access his data (authorization) provided by another service (resource server) without revealing secret details of his access authorization (authentication) to the client. The end user can thus instruct third parties to consume a service on his behalf. Typically, the transmission of passwords to third parties is avoided.

The processing of the personal data entered by you serves the purpose of being able to provide you with the customer account and to be able to assign future usage processes such as orders or contact enquiries to your customer account. These processing operations are justified on the basis of Art. 6 subs. 1 b) GDPR because they serve to fulfil the contract. In addition, the establishment of a customer account is a prerequisite for the purchase of one of our offers, the processing is also required for contract performance according to Art. 6 subs. 1 b) GDPR. The storage of IP address and time of registration is necessary to ensure the security of our information technology systems. This is also our legitimate interest, which is why processing is permitted according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR.

The personal data entered by you will be stored until your customer account with us is terminated, but in any case, as long as necessary to fulfil the contract. IP address and time of registration are stored for a period of 4 weeks. The cookies lose their validity when you log out, otherwise after 6 months at the latest. We do not merge this personal data with other data sources. Data will not be passed on to third parties. A transfer to a third country or to an international organization is not intended. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, yet the establishment or use of a customer account and thus and the purchase of our products are not possible without the provision.

4.12. Subscription to a newsletter

On our website you can subscribe to our newsletter, which informs you about new entries in our blog. If you do so, the personal data you provide when registering will be transmitted to us by your browser and stored in our information technology systems. Your IP address and the time of registration are also stored.

The processing of the personal data entered by you is used to send the newsletter. This processing is legal because you have given us your consent according to Art. 6 subs. 1 a) GDPR . The storage of your IP address and the time of registration serves as proof of your consent, to which we are obliged according to Art. 6 subs. 1 c) GDPR.

The personal data you enter will be stored until your subscription is cancelled. We do not combine this personal data with other data sources. Data will not be passed on to third parties. A transfer to a third country or to an international organisation is not intended. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, but subscription to our newsletter is not possible without such provision.

4.13. Mailchimp

This website uses the services of MailChimp for sending newsletters. Provider is Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. MailChimp is a service that can be used to organize and analyse the sending of newsletters. If you enter data for newsletter subscription purposes (e.g. e-mail address), it will be stored on MailChimp’s servers in the USA.

MailChimp enables us to analyse our newsletter campaigns. When you open an email sent with MailChimp, a file contained in the email (so-called web beacon) connects to the servers of MailChimp in the USA. In this way it can be determined whether a newsletter message has been opened and which links have been clicked. In addition, technical information (e.g. time of retrieval, IP address, browser type and operating system) is recorded. This information cannot be assigned to the respective newsletter recipient. It is used exclusively for the statistical analysis of newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better adapt future newsletters to the interests of the recipients.

Data processing is based on our legitimate interest, Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR, in delivering our newsletters to you subsequent to your subscription. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield). In addition, we have concluded a contract with MailChimp for data processing on behalf and we fully implement and comply with the requirements of the GDPR when we use MailChimp.

If you do not wish your personal data to be processed by MailChimp, you may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. For this purpose, we provide a corresponding link in every newsletter message. You can also unsubscribe directly on the website.

The data you have deposited with us for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and will be deleted from our servers as well as from the MailChimp servers after unsubscribing from the newsletter. Data stored by us for other purposes (e.g. e-mail addresses for the member area) remain unaffected by this.

You can find more details in the privacy policy of MailChimp:

4.14. Mailgun

We use Mailgun services to ensure the secure delivery and verified delivery of automated email confirmations and email notifications. Mailgun is provided by Mailgun Technologies Inc., 535 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105, USA (“Mailgun”). Mailgun will receive the e-mail address you provided for delivery at the time a message is sent. The delivery status, i.e. whether a message has been delivered or rejected, can be tracked for 30 days in log files of the service provider before this information is deleted. These log files also contain detailed information about the receipt of a message. The data is analysed for internal purposes, e.g. to identify incorrect email addresses. For this purpose, the browser you are using must connect to Mailgun Technologies, Inc. servers located in the United States. As a result, Mailgun Technologies Inc. become aware that your IP address has been used to access our website.

The use of Mailgun is in the interest of secure dispatch and verified delivery of automated email confirmations and e-mail notifications. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR.. In addition, we have signed a contract with Mailgun for data processing on behalf and are fully implementing and meeting the requirements of the GDPR when we use Mailgun. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

You can find more details in the privacy policy of Mailgun here:

4.15. Blog with “Disqus” comment function

You can comment a blog post on our website. This website uses the Disqus comment function of Disqus Inc., 717 Market St San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (“Disqus”). Disqus is an interactive comment system that allows registered users to post comments with just one login on any website that uses Disqus. Disqus enables registration via existing accounts on Disqus, Facebook (via Facebook Connect), Twitter and Google+. If you sign in using your Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ account, data from these providers may also be collected, stored and used. For details, please refer to the privacy statement of the respective provider.

In addition to the comment text, Disqus will send us your e-mail address and IP address. We need the comment text to be able to publish it. We need the remaining information exclusively for the purpose of contacting you in connection with your use of Disqus, e.g. if we have questions about your user comment or to avoid liability and misuse. In order to avoid liability for the content of comments, it may also be necessary for us to delete comments, exclude them from publication or – as a milder measure and with appropriate labelling – edit them.

The processing of your personal data serves to display your comments on our website and the protection of our IT systems as well as misuse. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 subs. 1 f) GDPR. Data transfer to the USA is made in accordance with the EU Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 (EU-U.S. Privacy Shield).

The personal data you enter will be stored for as long as is necessary to display the comment. We do not combine this personal data with other data sources. A passing on to third parties does not take place. A transfer to a third country or to an international organisation is not planned. You are not required to provide this personal information, but it is not possible to comment on our blog without providing this information.

For the collection, processing and use of the relevant data by Disqus and your related rights, the Disqus Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, available at and

4.16. PayPal

If you place an order on our website, you can have payment made via PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (“PayPal”). For such purpose, you are either redirected to the PayPal website before you enter your personal data (button “Go to PayPal directly”) or we transfer the personal data which have entered in the order form to PayPal. PayPal thereby becomes aware that our website was accessed from your IP address.

These processing activities are lawful because they are necessary for the performance of the contract according to Art. 6 subs. 1 b) GDPR if you want to pay via PayPal.

The collection of your personal data serves to enable the data transfer to PayPal for the purpose of payment handling. We do not store the data for any other purposes. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, you can also pay by/against alternative payment options (Stripe).

Further information about PayPal is available at The PayPal Privacy Policy is available at

4.17. Stripe

If you choose a payment method offered by the payment service provider “Stripe”, the payment will be processed by Stripe Payments Europe Ltd., C/O A&L Goodbody, Ifsc, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, to whom we pass on the information you have provided in the course of the order process together with the information about your order (name, address, account number, bank code, possibly credit card number, invoice amount, currency and transaction number) according to Art. 6 subs. 1 b) GDPR. Your data will only be passed on for the purpose of payment processing with Stripe Payments Europe Ltd. and only to the extent necessary.

The collection of your personal data serves to enable the data transfer to Stripe for the purpose of payment handling. We do not store the data for any other purposes. You are not obliged to provide this personal data, you can also pay by/against alternative payment options (PayPal).

Further information on the data protection of “Stripe” can be found at the following Internet address:

4.18. YouTube

We use YouTube API services to integrate and share YouTube videos that can be watched on the platform and on social media feeds powered by This is a service by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. This is a service by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. By using Juicer you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service:

Further information on the data protection of YouTube can be found here:

4.19. Hotjar

We use Hotjar Limited, Dragonara Business Centre, 5th Floor, Dragonara Road, Pacevill St Juilian’s STJ 3141, Malta, Europe (“Hotjar”) in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimize this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices. This includes a device’s IP address (processed during your session and stored in a de-identified form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and the preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Hotjar is contractually forbidden to sell any of the data collected on our behalf.


For further details, please see the ‘about Hotjar’ section of Hotjar’s support site.”

5. Rights of data subjects

You as the person concerned (hereinafter “data subject”) are entitled to a right to information according to Art. 15 GDPR, a right to rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR, a right to erasure according to Art. 17 GDPR, a right to restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR as well as a right to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR. The right to information as well as the right to erasure may be subject to the restrictions under domestic law. In addition, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR).

6. Automated case-by-case decisions including profiling

No automated case-by-case decisions are taken, including profiling.

7. Controller’s duty to inform

We will inform all recipients to whom your personal data was disclosed of any rectification or erasure of your personal data or any restriction of processing according to Art. 16, Art. 17 subs. 1 and Art. 18 GDPR unless it is impossible or requires unreasonable effort to inform them.

We will also inform you about the identity of the recipients at your request.

8. Right to oppose

You are entitled for reasons arising from your specific situation to oppose at any time the processing of your personal data which is carried out according to Art. 6 subs. 1 e) or f) GDPR. Where personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, you are entitled at any time to oppose the processing of your personal data for such direct marketing purposes. The objection can be made informally and is to be addressed to: Inc.
304 S. Jones Blvd #1205,
Las Vegas NV 89107, USA
Tel.: (323) 238-9740
Email address: [email protected]

9. Right to withdraw your consent to personal data processing

You are entitled according to Art. 7 subs. 3 s. 4 GDPR at any time to withdraw your consent. However, the withdrawal will leave the lawfulness of the processing that has taken place with your consent before the withdrawal unimpaired. Thus, the withdrawal only takes effect for the processing intended for the time after the withdrawal. The withdrawal can be made informally, by posted letter or email. If you oppose the processing, we will no longer process your personal data unless this is permitted by another (legal) basis. If you oppose the processing and there is no other legal basis which permits continued processing, we are obliged according to Art. 17 subs. 2 b) GDPR to erase your personal data without undue delay upon your request.

The withdrawal can be made informally and is to be addressed to: Inc.
304 S. Jones Blvd #1205,
Las Vegas NV 89107, USA
Tel.: (323) 238-9740
Email address: [email protected]