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Grow Social Media Marketing Visibility with Juicer

Highlight user-generated content, customer testimonials, and product reviews 

directly on your website from 15+ social media accounts.

The Best Social Media Aggregator for Various Industries

Juicer for Businesses and Enterprises

Aggregate and display customer-generated content, third-party reviews, and branded posts on a Juicer-powered social media wall.
Juicer for business and enterprises
Juicer for events

Juicer for Events

Power your event with social marketing. Showcase live event content, for example, photos, hashtags, promotional materials, and videos, on an embedded social media wall. Let your audience relive their exciting event memories anywhere and anytime.

Juicer for Healthcare

Create a stellar social presence for your healthcare business with Juicer. Show off your best social posts, including customer reviews, expert tips, and so much more, on a beautiful social wall that runs on auto-pilot.
Juicer for healthcare
Juicer for political campaign

Juicer for Political Campaigns

Spending too much time managing your social media campaigns? Let Juicer do the heavy-lifting for you. Create a central feed for all your social channels. Track analytics in real time and use Juicer’s moderation features to filter what shows up on your feed automatically.

Juicer for Non-Profits

Engage with your community and share inspiring initiatives on a daily basis. Whenever anyone shares a post about you, Juicer will add it to a well-curated social media wall. You can use this wall as a social media advocacy tool to attract donations.

Juicer for Non-Profits
Juicer for Web Developers

Juicer for Web Developers

Curate social content for your client’s website without a single line of code. Juicer’s social media tools allow developers to embed social media posts from 15+ social media platforms into a single social feed.

Juicer for Education

Showcase your university’s social media activities in one place with Juicer’s social aggregator. Embed a social media wall on your website to keep your students, faculty, and alumni engaged with current happenings. Try Juicer’s moderation features to ensure only relevant content is displayed.
Juicer for Education
Included in cost of enterprise

Why Choose Juicer for Your Organization?​

Unify your social presence

bring your best content from 15+ social and UGC sites to one feed.

Control what your audience sees

curate and display content that aligns with your brand image.

Track content performance

Juicer provides analytics and insights into your social content performance. See the type of content your audience prefers to engage with.

It’s affordable

start with a free Juicer plan and ramp up per your industry’s needs.

Customize your social feed appearance for brand recognition

add your brand colors, fonts, and so much more. Choose from 9+ feed display options.

Trusted by 5000+ businesses big and small

Whether it’s for a personal project or an enterprise-level brand, Juicer social wall offers a reliable solution to help boost content reach, engagement, and brand awareness. 

London Business School

One Feed for All Your Best Social Content

Juicer’s Social Media Solutions FAQs

Find answers to common questions about using Juicer.
Juicer is a social media aggregator tool that enables businesses, non-profits, web developers, and other organizations to collect user-generated content, customer testimonials, and product reviews from different social media platforms. You can display this information on your website in the form of a social feed.

Juicer aggregates content from various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Once collected, the content can be displayed in many ways, for example, as a feed on a website or an event screen.

Yes, Juicer is very user-friendly and easy to use. Its intuitive interface allows users to set up social media feeds without coding experience or technical knowledge.
Juicer can benefit any business, non-profit, or organization with a social media presence. It is particularly useful for those who want to showcase their best social media content in one place.
Juicer offers a free plan that includes basic features. For advanced functionalities, businesses can choose from several paid monthly plans starting from $19. The plan’s cost depends on the number of social media accounts and features.